Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Fit As A Fiddle And Ready For Love

It was so balmy yesterday that we slept with the windows open last night.

At 0200 the vixen who lives in our alley began announcing her availability to the local swains.


  1. Boy, does that sound familiar! We live on the edge of a state park. The foxes have denned behind us for several years, and are accustomed to us enough that I can sit on the patio and watch the kits tumble around in the "back forty".

  2. Ah, spring. The young blue jays and cardinals from last year's crop are busy making nests in the cedars, the squirrels are chasing each other into the bushes, and big daddy robin is back soaking himself in the birdbath while his offspring are setting up shop all over the neighbourhood.
    I suggest earplugs. That's some sound.
