Thursday, July 9, 2020


I don't know about your parts of the world, but it has been blistering here for over a week.  If we don't get some rain soon...


  1. It has been in the upper 80s and low 90s all week in the Baltimore area, and more of the same for next week. We did get a log-lifter of a storm the other night, and we're promised "light rain" tomorrow, so we shall see. Maryland's humidity is legendary, and sometimes that's all that keeps the plants from turning brown.

    A friend and I had a discussion about which we would rather give up - air conditioning or indoor plumbing. Having lived without both, I'll take the A/C, if you don't mind.

  2. Outside Toronto, here: over 90F most days for the past week, a couple over 100F, with a watering ban due to the water filtration plant being under repair until the 13th. We're supposed to get rain tonight/tomorrow - maybe. The older I get, the more I feel the heat, so, yes, AC for me,too.

  3. "If we don't get some rain soon..." We are all going to strip naked and run screaming down the street in streams of our own sweat?? It's been very upper 90's in Oklahoma and heading for the hundreds this week. Miserable with our humidity, wears me out just going from door to car or car to door.

    We have the AC at home set on bloody cold as son and I can't take the heat, but where I'm working it's set at heading towards warm-ish as the women I work with are too cold. Don't know why I'm the weird one but when I'm out with my mother and sister (miserably so) they oblige me by keeping the car AC at the same bloody cold so I don't melt in the seat. Heat is not my friend, go home absolutely drained when I'm out in it. Part of the problem is having to stay covered, no shorts or short sleeves, as I'm extremely sensitive to sunlight. It doesn't matter how light my clothes are I still overheat, and I don't sweat enough to stay cool.

  4. Upstate NY--dry as a bone and hot, hot, hot. No outside spigot so watering the garden is by bucket--thank heavens we mulch heavily. No AC in the house--yesterday it reaching 93 INSIDE. Please remind me of this when I complain of the cold midwinter.

  5. Coastal CT is dry except tonight when Tropical Storm Flo drops 2" of rain. No A/C at home so Little Miss Maine Coon is hiding in the basement.

  6. Mamafrog - Have you tried one of those cooling neck wraps or vests for when you do have to go out? I sometimes take an ice pack wrapped in a hand towel with me in the car when my back kicks up as they don't drip.

  7. @ Bunnykins (Love that name, btw!) I have tried similar to that, but oddly enough it heats up pretty quick. I run warm anyway and cooling things just end up being...lukewarm?? It's hard to explain. Like I said heat intolerant and sun sensitive so no outside for me. Or as little as I can get away with. Summer doesn't usually last much past September and the temps get into something I can tolerate so it's all good.

    I lived in WA state for 17 years, moved back to Oklahoma three years ago and my body is still adjusting. Had Heat exhaustion when I was younger, or something very like it and it seems to have caused the problems. Cold doesn't really bother me, don't think I've worn a real coat in years, just layers of warm stuff so I could peel off. Mom and Sis get seriously whiny when the temp drops below 65, which I'm quite comfortable at. Hormones, can't live with them, can't live without them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  8. We got nearly an inch of rain around midnight. When I drove into town this morning, I swear the corn looked happy.

  9. We had a huge thunderstorm today, hour or two of very dark weather, thunder, pounding rain, etc. Now it's messy humid, lol.
