Friday, September 25, 2020

Quote Of The Day


Epidemic  n. A disease having a sociable turn and few prejudices. ~ Ambrose Bierce


  1. Shay, a book you might like is "No Man's Land", by Wendy Moore. It is about a group of British women doctors who ran England's most unusual hospital during WWI - staffed completely by females. The military we positive they would fall flat on their faces, and seemed to be intent at first to do everything they could to make sure exactly that happened. Neglect, for the most part; it stopped short of actual sabotage.

    It is really good read, and I'm sure you would enjoy it.

  2. That sounds like a great read. I read "Pox" from Shay's reading list. It was was a revelation given the antivax arguments from then that echo now.

  3. BTW - if you live in the US, contact your county Health Department or EMA and ask if they can provide you with a copy of the mass dispensing plan.

    It will tell you how your jurisdiction plans to distribute the vaccine once/when it is available.
