Friday, September 11, 2020

The Road More Traveled


Having virtually returned from Chicago, I am as of this morning virtually deployed to Dallas.


  1. In the Yukon, the recommended distance is one caribou or four ravens. In Toronto, three Canada geese.
    I was hoping you weren't driving off to a hot spot. Much safer for you virtually. Up here, telemedicine has blossomed out of nowhere. It's useful, but takes some getting used to.
    Hope you and yours are all well.

  2. On the other hand, when you're trying to participate in an online meeting and the dog is under the desk having a panic attack because of a thunderstorm - you begin to appreciate the benefits of an ACTUAL deployment.

  3. Vet approved regular strength Benadryl pink pill. Kept my Ruby from vibrating apart. Snoring while doped up, not so much.

  4. Sorry about the thunderstorm. Being a Costume Designer, I use 2 yardsticks apart. If each person would carry one, I'd stop being a pain at the checkout line. Just saying.
    And try doing a virtual networking when Little Miss Maine Coon wants dinner NOW. Her yowls carry loudly.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Both our dog and the cat worry about thunderstorms. The Squire found them in the living room, with the can curled up between Blazer's front paws, and the dog's head resting on Eddie's back.
