Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Brief Hiatus

 Off to climb Sleeping Bear Dunes with my sisters and sister-in-law (masked and at six foot intervals).  Blogging will resume next Tuesday.

UPDATE:  As a result of Sister#1's habit of referring to us as "Sister Two," "Sister Three," and "Sister (in-law) Four," the owner of our Air BnB came to the pardonable conclusion that she had rented her house to a bunch of nuns.


  1. Have fun, stay safe, keep your mask on, drink and laugh merrily.

  2. Bet that woman was surprised when you turn up. Hope you had a good time.
    Signed Grandma #4.

  3. Well, my Dad does have 2 sisters who are nuns for cousins and they are a hoot.
    So says, Sister #1 of 4 - not a nun.
