Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Aunt Martha's Workbasket, January 1938


Time for another Workbasket magazine - this one has two quilt patterns, a crocheted collar that is straight out of Flash Gordon, knitted gloves, and some interesting household hints ("When boiling custards or sauces, place a clean marble in the bottom of the vessel.  This will avoid the necessity of stirring, and save much time.  The marble will roll around in the custard and prevent burning.")

The entire issue may be downloaded at the Antique Patterns Library site.


  1. I was looking at the recommendation to use pipe clay (kaolin clay) to soak yellow hankies, and stumbled into a discussion on how to keep your pith helmet and spats clean if you're a piper.
    Apparently, pipe clay (which they don't sell now) mixed with equal parts whiting (powdered chalk) works like liquid white shoe polish. Hankies? who knows?
    I want that quilt and that swan mat. I have patterns for crocheted trim that matches it, and for waterlilies. Someone send me back to a 40s (50s?) church bazaar where I might find one.

  2. Why do pipers walk as they play?

    Because it's harder to hit a moving target.

  3. Don't mess with men who toss telephone poles for fun. When this is all over, you should come up for the Highland games in Fergus. I've never seen a piper in a pith helmet.
