Friday, November 13, 2020

Quote Of The Day


It does not improve the character to be bullied.  Children are microcosms of peoples.  Treat them badly for long enough and then give them a little power and they will punctually repeat with greater emphasis the behaviour to which they have been subjected. - Ngaio Marsh


  1. That picture is perfect. Naigo Marsh is on my list of best crime writers; my mother was a crime fiction fan, so I read everything growing up.
    I do love Jan Willem Van den Wettering, too, whose quote I found: Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth, and whatever you feed it is never enough. Crime writers know human nature.

  2. I found that while checking spelling of Jan Willem's name as I usually don't get it right. Some wag must have added it to his online bio given the times.
