Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Victorian Pastimes - The Girl's Own Toymaker, 1860


A collection of suitably gentle* and domestic crafts for little girls, including doll's clothes, doll's furniture, and knicknacks (I draw your attention particularly to the flycatcher on page 19).  From archive.org, a free download.

*then again, it does exercise one's skill with scissors.


  1. Yes, scissors. That's what I was thinking until I saw the 'cut out the center with a pen knife.' Does anyone give children pen knives any more? Even the girl guides don't have one on their list of camp gear.

  2. Forgot to say: What a great book! You really do find the very best things! Thanks.

  3. What a great find! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is such a great book. I still have the Book of Knowledge my great grandparents bought for my grandfather and his brothers when they were lads. There are all kinds of projects, from clothes to make for your doll to a model village and ow to plan and grow a garden. There are even some French lessons! Our kids today miss so much!
