Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Vintage Knitting - The Minerva Stylebook #71, 1946


From 1946, a plethora of beautiful styles with a lingering trace of wartime trimness, and maybe just a hint of the New Look to come. Free download at the Antique Pattern Library.


  1. I love Minerva knitting books for their styles and precise instructions. Thanks!

  2. Wish a certain UK designer (cough, debbie bliss, cough) would learn to write instructions like these.

  3. I downloaded a simple pattern from the Drops site two days ago and am still reading it over as it's unnecessarily complicated. I think they switched translators.
    Is it me, or is there a fad for unconventional construction techniques on Ravelry these days? I just want to knit, not construct a three dimensional art object. I think lock down has finally gotten to me. And I have a largish stash that I'd been planning to knit up before summer - or next Christmas at this rate.

  4. Bunnykins - yes, people are making things way too complicated for no reason except they can. Go back to Elizabeth Zimmerman or Norah Gaugin's books for lovely items with great instructions.

  5. Good advice. Sorry for the outburst of cranky.

  6. I've never learned to knit, but I can "loom". My biggest problem is that I have a burst of energy, and then things sit. And sit. And sit. I know better than to even start anything larger than a doll dress.
