Sunday, April 25, 2021

Well...We Tried


I believe I have mentioned before that we have a pair of really dumb robins that wedge their nest rather precariously atop our porch pillars every year.

So this year Brian decided to build them a safer birdhouse and hang it from the garage overhang.  They moved in almost right away.



  1. So funny! We have an osprey pair that keeps picking the power line in a bust intersection to build their nest on. No matter how many cones and barriers are put up, they build the nest over them

  2. We had two radio towers behind our building at Camp Lejeune. Ospreys tried to nest on them every year. Once the nest was complete we couldn't touch them, so we used to send a Marine up the towers every day to throw the nesting materials off the platform.

    Meeting an osprey 115 feet off the ground is not something most people care to repeat.
