Friday, June 18, 2021

Quote Of The Day


If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong but they won't make soldiers.  As a class they are wanting in every qualification of a soldier. ~ Gen Howell Cobb, CSA


  1. as a white person who grew up in the former "CSA" (people still wear that belt buckle), I would happily drop a concert hall full of grand pianos on such vileness. every horrid stereotype you can imagine about the area is every bit as bad as you can imagine, and worse. i've been told things have gotten better, but, based on reading the town papers when i visit, they've regressed in the last four years. there are some who are trying, but not as many. for a "gentle history", read 'the other side of the sun' by Madeleine L’Engle and reflect that it is triple white-washed - the evil was far deeper and stronger.

  2. "\There are always three violences. The first is the violence itself.

    The second is the violence of not righting the original violence. This is, for example, the violence that lets Breonna Taylor’s killers still roam free; this is the violence that let the killers of Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery roam free until public outcry led to their arrests; this is the violence that left Michael Brown’s murdered black body baking in the hundred-degree Midwestern summer heat for hours—something no American would let be done to a stray dog.

    The third is erasure of the violence." Hope Wabuke,
