Tuesday, July 20, 2021

And Now For Something Completely Different


From Pack O Fun magazine, August 1973, making a dollhouse and furniture out of corncobs - which I thought appropriate since we bought and ate our first 2021 sweet corn yesterday. The weather here has been crazy, we don't even have green beans to pick yet, which is unheard of for mid-July.

Several years' worth of the magazine can be found on the Internet Archive, but the earlier ones are the most fun.  They claim on the cover to be "The Only Scrap Craft Magazine," and their projects are all made with matchsticks, cardboard boxes, detergent cartons, and other bits of household detritus.  The later issues evolved to mostly projects using purchased craft store items, alas.

Let me know if anyone tackles the matchstick eagle! The instruction page for the corncob furniture can be found on my Flickr account.


  1. Odd weather in New England - got 2x the month's rainfall so far...makes for very plump and early blueberries. I'd worry the rodents would eat the cob furniture...or the dogs would play with it.

  2. We are just now starting to get tomatoes.

  3. We've had all-or-nothing weather in Maryland. We live in a swamp - a bog, really - and it has been dry enough that The Squire has been able to mow one particular spot in the ground that hasn't been mowed in years. But when we get rain, boy, howdy! we get an inch at a time here. Because we live very close to the Chesapeake, the stream beside us fills up with water from five or six miles back, and we get run-for-the-boat flooding.
