Thursday, July 29, 2021

Please Stop Helping Dep't


While I was down in the basement sorting laundry, the Little Man kindly dropped his rawhide bone in the pile of whites on the floor, and it went through the hot-with-bleach cycle.  

He now has the cleanest chew toy in town, and I now have soggy rawhide crumbs on my socks and sheets.


  1. Sorry for laughing and here I thought Sister#2 leaving a tissue in her pant pocket was bad....

  2. hubby occasionally leaves chapstick in pants pockets. i've put a sign up by the washer to remind us to be more vigilant about checking.

  3. Pens. Pens left in pockets and not found until you take them out of the dryer.

  4. My brother learned to do his own laundry after my Mother started confiscating whatever he left in his pockets. It only took one $20.00 bill for him to decide that. LOL

  5. Pens? My dad use to forget he had cigar stubs in his pockets. One "turd" floating in the washing machine, and Mum made SURE he never forgot again!
