Monday, October 11, 2021


It was pouring down rain when we got to the kennel club for class tonight and somebody refused to get out of the car because he didn't want to get wet.


  1. I have a, admittedly, not a military working dog, who absolutely has to be shoved out the door to do his business in wet (cold, hot, etc) weather. Granted, he was a stray for quite awhile before I got him, for which I remind my youngest daughter that she owes me frequently.
    I love the side eye my girls give him when they run out the door. They are bigger Lab mixes who grew up in wet weather Washington state and think nothing of it. One is even truly water obsessed if there is a ball in the vicinity, the other "dabbles" in swimming but can take it or leave it. I've never had George near more water than the water dish or groomer's bath so I'm not sure how he would do. I suspect he would be the same as your boy, "Lol, no, no, I'm good right here in the nice dry car, you go on."

  2. Some dogs are outdoor all weather dogs and others prefer desk jobs?

  3. Blazer would simply refuse to go off the carport if it was raining. Too polite to "make" on the concrete, but too cowardly - or something - to walk in the wet grass. If we didn't grab an umbrella and take the fool mutt out to do what he had to do, he'd come back inside with his legs crossed, and fart.

    And fart.

    And fart.

  4. By the time I got him out of the car, my cell phone had bounced out of my pocket and under the car next to us, where it lay in a puddle until I could find a stick to scoop it out with.

    This is the same dog that goes outside after a rain and rolls in the wet grass. But could I get him out of the car last night, NOOOOOO.

  5. Because, oh no, he might have to work!!

  6. Yeah, he despises obedience class and it's quite apparent to everyone there. He acts like a 16 year old boy who has been told to put down the Playstation and come talk to his grandmother.
