Saturday, December 4, 2021




  1. Ah, yes. The old Turn Around in Midair trick.

  2. And yet, do your dogs go flying out in it and flounce around? My Labs were used to it and love it, my little man of unknown parentage has to be forced out to keep from doing things in the house I won't tolerate. To be fair, most of our snow will hit around his tummy, lol, he's a bit height challenged. This year we are dealing with a new puppy so it may be interesting if we get snow as she's never seen it.

  3. Funniest thing I ever saw was introducing a cat to 6" of snow. Sylvia put her feet down in the cold, then immediately pulled all 4 legs up to belly flop in the wet stuff. Could not move fast enough to get inside.

  4. The senior shepherd, who spent several years living on the streets before we got him, is not a fan of snow or cold weather.

    The junior shepherd, who has lived a coddled life since birth, LOVES snow. Rolls in it.

  5. I expect that is why my little man wants nothing to do with anything related to weather, too. He was a stray and seemed near starving when my daughter decided I needed another dog (eye roll here). Lately the vet has changed their idea of his age to about 6 or 7 from 4 based on some signs he's showing, though he had a heartworm infestation too.
