Monday, December 27, 2021

Well, That Was a Waste of $6.87



  1. I see you have a door sleeper, lol. I had a Doberman who did that, but the interior door from the living room to the rest of the house. Tripped over her one night during a potty run when I was wearing a cast for a broken foot, woke the whole house except mom who slept like the dead. My black Lab did the same thing, but the bedroom door at night.

  2. When wearing a thick fur coat, one can enjoy being the door draft stopper...

  3. I thought it was one of those double-sided under-the-door things and was amazed (though I probably shouldn't be) that your dog could tear it up. This place has settled so much that none of the doors fit across the sills, so we use a LOT of those things!

  4. He doesn't tear it up, Anne - he just moves it so that HE can be next to the door (and let in cold air).
