Monday, January 24, 2022

Timing Is Everything

 Well, the movers arrived first thing and the house is now empty and waiting for the floor refinishing team to arrive tomorrow. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is either on a moving truck or stacked in the garage. 

So the letter that the morning mail brought us from the IRS asking about our 2020 return could possibly have come at a worse time...but I doubt it.


  1. OY! You have my deepest sympathy.

  2. Did I miss something? Is it not going to be the Little Grey Bungalow anymore? I'm sad and jealous, btw, I love Bungalow style. I grew up in a Craftsman from the early 1900's, oilfield shanty in a growing part of town. Grandparents bought it when first married, though grandad had gone to the grade school across the street as a child, as did my dad and aunt, us six kids and my four, for a little while. It's still there now, minus a few lovely trees.

  3. It is going to be the little grey bungalow with lovely sanded, finished, polished original hardwood floors instead of scratched, discolored, splintery original hardwood floors.

  4. Good for you, love hardwood, beats wall to wall dust catcher any day! Sanded, finished and polished should be easier to care for too, and entertaining to watch the doggos on!

  5. First - condolences on the IRS letter...but you will have a grand time laughing at dogs and cats that try to zoom across the newly refinished floor and find out it is slippery! A friend with 3 Spanish Water Dogs used 3 coats of marine grade polyurathane on the floors.
