Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Woodcrafting - A 1940s Whatnot Shelf From Old Spools


I'm not sure how sturdy this would be, but here's another Ruth Wyeth Spears project, this one from Let's Make A Gift (available to read online at Hathi Trust).  The curtain rods may help keep it from tipping over, but I don't know if you can find curtain rods that narrow nowadays.  Maybe use very thin dowels?  

This project may work better as dollhouse furniture.


  1. Dowels or better yet, long threaded rod thru the spools would work. But one would need TONS of spools the same size.

  2. Hope you have a huge collection of wood spools all the same size.

  3. They would have to be older spools, since new ones aren't made of wood (alas).
