Thursday, April 21, 2022




  1. Love it! Dobermans are the only dog that creeps me out. No idea why, but they do.

  2. My grandmother raised show Dobies. Trained early, they are nice dogs to those they know. And only those they know...

  3. I actually am more afraid of Malinois but I think that may have something to do with their eerie resemblance to Anubis.

  4. Absolutely love Dobies, grew up with them! Had one as a child to adult (myself and him) that was the runt of the litter, but he was my baby. He got a lot of table scraps from things I wouldn't eat, lol. The only time I saw him almost go after some one was the day I heard a commotion in our back yard and walked out to see a meter man from the gas company poking him through the fence with a stick. Mickey was at the point of going over the fence when I laid into the meter reader. I don't know if the idiot wanted the dog to come after him or was just stupid enough to not realize he could go over the four foot fence very easily. Should have listened to the dog about one of my boyfriends, too. Well trained they are extremely loyal dogs and prefer one person in a family. They are nothing to be trifled with though, can do a great deal of damage for sure.
