Saturday, May 28, 2022




  1. so many thoughts! we're getting ready to install panels, so obviously time to go shopping at our no-kill shelter - we only have one cat at the moment. hubby remarks, finally a use for cats, then it struck us .... how long before the cats figured out this was a useful trick?
    and would the natural abhorrence of useful tricks be enough to cause the cats to hide under the beds? could one get a grant to study the issue, and fund the need for more cats and panels? the mind boggles.

  2. You would have to calculate the cat urge to lie in the sun vs the cat reluctance to be of any assistance whatsoever.

  3. I think a larger cat, like a Maine Coon, is faster at solar collection. Too bad Little Miss Maine Coon won't wear anything, let alone a panel...
