Thursday, May 5, 2022




  1. But if you drown them in cheese - ok.

  2. Our only non-shepherd dog was a Golden retriever that we got in California in 1985 (she was also the only dog I've ever been allowed to name, which is why she is the only Daisy in a pantheon of Zeus's, Odins, Thors, Freyas etc), and she loved vegetables. I believe there are some that it's not wise to feed pets, or is that just chocolate?

  3. Don't feed them onions, grapes (or raisins) and chocolate. The amount of chocolate depends on the size of the dog, but it can be fatal in small pooches. We had a friend who owned a large dog. The dog got into some milk chocolate kisses and devoured the entire bag - foil and all. Friend said it was the easiest yard duty he ever had; he'd go out after dark with a flashlight and look for the "sparkles".

    We used to have a cat that LOVED broccoli. She'd sit on the chair beside you and stick out a paw so she could s-l-o-w-l-y drag your plate closer to her, the snag the broc and runlikethewind. We let her do it because it was so darned funny!

  4. Dogs are basically omnivore pigs, lol. Don’t feed them the stuff Lady Anne says and they’ll be okay. Mine lived oatmeal and sweet potato mixed in with their dog food. A spoonful of pumpkin once a day is good for constipation though. Yes, it works, use it for my old girl.
