Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Other Crafts - Military Lapel Charms from 1943


For nostalgia buffs - From the March, 1943 issue of Workbasket magazine, little pins to make in the uniform of the (then) three branches of the US military - although the instructions are sketchy to say the least.  Judging from the variety and frequency that lapel charms show up in 1940s and 1950s copies of Workbasket, they must have been quite popular.  Free download of the entire issue can be found at the Antique Pattern Library.


  1. They could also be made using pipe cleaners. But metal was strictly rationed during the war, so maybe those weren't available then. FWIW, Mum used to curl my hair by tying it up in strips of rags, because you couldn't get metal curlers and even bobby pins were hard to come by.

  2. Lady Anne - you get a softer curl with the rags instead of the curlers.

  3. I'd like to know what they used for the heads/hats.

  4. @shay I was thinking they might have used beads for the heads. The hats remain a mystery.

  5. This is what the hats were supposed to be modeled after - a flat button and some felt, maybe?


    (this conversation is starting to resemble something out of Barbara Pym).

  6. That would make sense. The hanging loop would be brought up through the bead and button, back down and knotted - around the neck, maybe?
