Saturday, July 9, 2022


 I've been assigned to the Highland Park response and will be not be posting for the next five days or so. EDITED TO ADD: So, I'm being released from the response so I can attend a 3 day FEMA class, and going back on until next Sunday.  This one is lasting longer than I anticipated - but then, I've not covered a mass shooting response before. It's...different.


  1. God bless you for the work you do, and I hope you can give all of those poor folks hugs.

  2. It's a virtual assignment - I'm doing contracts again.

    Sometimes I wish I were onsite, yesterday I was STILL in my bathrobe on the PC entering rentals until after 8pm.

  3. God Bless you and those you help. I know you will do a wonderful job for these people.

  4. It's good to know that kind people still outnumber destructive ones. Thanks.

  5. Make sure you take care of yourself on this assignment!
