Monday, August 15, 2022

Vintage Advertising - Campbell's Soup


From Redbook magazine, February 1931.  Although I have long since given up eating canned tomato soup because I now think it tastes tinny, "back in the day" a bowl of this and a toasted cheese sandwich on a cold winter's day was a real treat.

Of course, back in the day our idea of a jolly afternoon's fun included flinging ourselves onto a toboggan and racing straight down a 45 degree slope for about 75 yards before hitting the chain link fence at the bottom (the fence was there to keep us from winding up in the road).  Good times.


  1. When it is below freezing outside,this and grilled cheese hits the spot. As for the sledding, Yale Divinity School has a STEEP hill ending in a stone and iron fence. Let's just say all cafeateria trays have been removed because of the number of EMT visits....(I was not a student there)

    1. Yep. The trick was to bail JUST before impact.

  2. Now it's so sweet it's hard to eat, wish companies would stop doing that to food. East Central in Ada Oklahoma had a lovely sledding hill that was used one winter. Until a young man had a very bad accident and it scared everyone off. I'll leave it your imagination what happened to the poor guy.

  3. Nothing can equal grilled cheese and tomato soup. I don't mind canned soup, but Lord! Preserve me from Kraft Singles. A good Vermont sharp cheddar will be fine, thank you.
