Monday, September 12, 2022

Happy National Sewing Month


image from the Graphics Fairy.


  1. Oh great, like I don't have enough existential guilt because my sewing machine has been in a box somewhere in my room at my mom's house, where I now live, for almost a...year? And I keep buying fabric because I'm some kind of hoarder and I just found a another big tub of sewing crap because I can't find anything (see above) and keep buying more for repairing buttons that have come off. Now I'm really depressed and I can hear the sewing machine softly whining in that box.

  2. What you have is an Emotional Support Stash. Feel better?

  3. @Shay, I love that! Yes, I now feel better, and I have to tell my sister since she's my "partner in crime".

  4. Mamafrog - leave your scissors on a table and whisper to the sewing will come back... Now I get to teach nine H.S. students how to sew costumes this fall. Three I had last year (2 can sew and 1 needs every damn stitch watched over)...

  5. @Sam, I remember those days, in junior high home economics, start with a simple apron and progress to clothing. We shan’t speak of my fashion choices back in the mid 60’s. I still have nightmares about them, especially when I think of my back side in a culotte dress! Asssgggg. It’s nice to not be a teenager and have a little more fashion sense now, even if it’s baggy shirts I’m coveted. The scissors are out and the weather is cooling down so digging out the sewing is more attractive now. Me and my “emotional support stash”. That still has me rolling in the floor!

  6. Isn't every month Sewing Month?
