Tuesday, October 4, 2022

You Scratch My Back


Why no, as a matter of fact.  He is not allowed up there.

In as blatant an exhibition of quid pro quo as I personally have ever encountered, while I was on a Red Cross conference call this morning, someone leaped up on the kitchen counter and hooked a tupperware container full of poached chicken breasts onto the floor for his German shepherd brothers.


  1. heatheringlis@sympatico.caOctober 4, 2022 at 1:20 PM

    So the rascal is still at it?

  2. Sharing is Caring. Help each other. Steal while Mom is distracted. All perfectly viable activities.

  3. The worst part was that there was still about 2 cups of poaching liquid in the container...

  4. Nice to see that kids are working together. Even if it is against Mom.

  5. Speaking of FEMA, are you going to have to go to Florida?

  6. No, I'm teaching new volunteer boot camp for the next two weeks. After that there's a good chance that I'll be doing virtual support (contract management, from my own PC).

  7. Good to hear. At least you'll be closer to home. Stay safe!
