Saturday, December 10, 2022




  1. Besides being utterly adorable, that kitten is a strategic thinker. S/he has assumed control of a larger beast who can be managed by nudges and voice to provide stroking, food, and whatever else it desires, all from the comfort of a warm, soft pocket which gives access to an aerial view or cover as desired. Can you tell my cats run the house? Dogs are such innocents by comparison.

  2. Aaaaawww, a "pocket kitty" tm. I seem to have acquired a neck kitty, who drives me crazy, lol. She has decided I am her person and likes to get on my neck/chest when I'm at the computer.

  3. Middle Daughter "Kate" used to have a cat that went everywhere with her in her purse. Roxie would curl up in Kate's purse to sleep and would simply stay there. Kate went everywhere with that goofy cat poking her head up and looking around. Every once in a while, it would be necessary to zip the purse closed so Roxie wouldn't hop out into the string beans, but for the most part she was content to just watch the world go by.

  4. All ready, in case someone needs a CAT scan...
