Wednesday, January 18, 2023

My Little Upcycler


Foster Fail Blitzen has been knocking over the wastebaskets to get at the fascinating rustly-ness of Christmas candy wrappers.  They make awesome cat toys and are just the right size to smack under the furniture.

(There must be some secret that the See's Candy people put in their wrappers - he's completely uninterested in Brach's).


  1. Ah, the old stuff it under a large piece of furniture and drive mum crazy trying to get at it until she gets something long enough to retrieve it. And repeat. Full marks for independence, cuteness and footwork.

  2. See's is far superior to Brach's. Discerning cat you have.

  3. We used to have a BIG black tom we called Blitz. You know you are old when some sweet young thing has no clue that Blitz referred to a bombing raid, rather than being drunk.

  4. Well, he's Blitzen because of his zoomies. Oldest sister was sitting on the sofa this morning (after hauling my crippled ass back from Detroit yesterday), quietly drinking her coffee, when he led the charge of the Light Brigade across her lap.
