Thursday, March 23, 2023

They Also Serve Who Stay Home and Watch This On The Internet


His third trip to the Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, NM. There were 983 starters in the category Civilian-Males, Light and 801 finished.  Average time, all age groups was 8:6:26, he finished in 7:56:22, in 351st place overall.

He says this is his last year.  We'll see.



  1. WOW! This is a hard one to do. I'm betting on another go at it. Congrats!

  2. Congrats to him. He is one tough guy.

  3. White Sands is beautiful, but consists solely of burning-hot sand, burning-hot air, and the occasional cacti. So, um, why?

  4. Because it's an endurance event thinly (or maybe not so thinly) disguised as a marathon. Also, the entire thing was started and is run by the Army ROTC cadets at NMSU in Las Cruces, 25 miles away.
