Monday, May 15, 2023

Happy Belated World-Wide Naked Gardening Day

 It was last Saturday and darn, I missed it.


  1. Ok, just no, lol. 1)Nobody wants or needs to see me in the buff whatever the season, 2) Bugs in places they have no business being, 3) I sunburn way too easily, and 4) Poison effing Ivy, my nemesis!! I can glance at some and have to deal with a horrendous rash and doctor visits. Which is just more reasons to stay inside in the oh so lovely air conditioning and sip a beverage. Did I mention heat makes makes me crankier than a two year old fighting a nap? Especially anything over75 degrees.

  2. I'm with Anonymous! I consider summer just nature's excuse to get me outside where the bugs can eat me alive. I'm a red head, so have the same problem with the sun, and we won't go into poison ivy. Fortunately, The Squire is immune to the stuff, so he goes out and pulls it up for me.

  3. Nope. But my step-dad would recite "hurray, hurray, the first of may, Outdoor F******g begins today"

  4. I agree with Anonymous, also. By the time it gets warm enough here to go outside with no clothes on, it's way too buggy.
