Friday, May 19, 2023

Quote of the Day

photo by Jan Lynn Voorhees

 [Friend's] first choice had been a cabin in the woods, but that's too much nature.  I don't do cabins in the woods because I have seen too many movies about cabins in the woods.  If someone wants to murder me, they are going to have to get past reception. ~ Helen Ellis


  1. ticks prevent me from cabins in the woods.

  2. No thanks. No abandoned houses the wildlife has taken over for me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We don't live in a cabin, but we do live in the woods and have been broken into four times in the 50 years we'd lived here. Once in 1983, when we are fairly sure it was a neighbor kid, twice in two weeks back in 87, and then again last March. Next stop is going to be an apartment - on the second floor.
