Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Hallowe'en Crafts - The Costume Book, By Joseph Leeming


With October 31st just over a month away, here is a book from 1939 that offers a number of costume ideas - although they may be of limited use today, as making Elizabethan knee breeches from golf knickers does rather depend on a ready supply of golf knickers. However, there are hundreds of line drawing and some very basic patterns to help out.

The Costume Book can be borrowed in one-hour increments from archive.org.

1 comment:

  1. Actually you can use large pants (men's or women's) to make the Elizabethan knickers. Just need a wide enough pant leg, cut to the top of you calf muscle, make a tube, run the elastic and Viola! You have billowy knickers.
