Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Vintage Knitting - A Ladies 3-Way Hat from 1955


A chic little knitted hat to be worn three ways, from the April, 1955 issue of Britannia and Eve. Perfect for using up any spare mink tails you may have lying around.

 Two pages of photos and instructions are on my Flickr account.


  1. When I was in my teens, if your beau was in the Navy, you'd take his "Dixie cup" hat, turn it inside out, and then tuck in the band where the brim was sewn to the top, and wear it the similar to the bottom picture.

  2. Had 2 drawers of fur collars to freak out teenagers. Complete with tails, claws, glass eyes and jaws that hid a clamp to make a longer collar....
