Friday, January 5, 2024

Quote Of The Day



  1. Yes, Mam! Sister #2 has her Ginghers, I have mine. Death to the person who uses the wrong person. I taught my H.S. Costume Crew they had my permission to tackle anyone nearing my scissors or any costume supply without my permission. They took that to heart and labeled their own scissors too.

  2. I taught sewing at my dad's last church and bought a pack of scissors at IKEA for each person. I told them to mark one pair for paper, and the largest one for sewing, and never, NEVER let anybody use their good scissors on paper.

    One lady told me her son had used her good scissors for a project "because we wanted to get finished faster". She asked me - in jest - if it was OK to kill him. I told her she'd have to talk to The Good Father (my dad) but she certainly had MY permission.

  3. I engraved my name on my sewing scissors...

  4. I put a spell on mine. My husband was trained to ask "may I use these scissors" for all scissors except those in the kitchen drawer. One year he put the big paper ones away with the Christmas wrapping paper, where they were found the next year.

  5. I wish I'd thought of that when my kids were little! After one time of me yelling "who used my good scissors" though they figured it out. Now if I had just been able to get through to the boys about the toilet seat being up, a whole other story.

  6. This meme has clearly touched a nerve...

  7. Lol, right in the fabric scissors, you could say.
