Thursday, February 1, 2024



This being National Book Week, yesterday I was invited to bring the Little Man to a local grade school to help me read to the kindergarteners.  I got myself all spiffied up in nice slacks, a cashmere cardi, one of the scarves I bought in France.

I may say without fear or favor that kids love to listen to me read; I do different voices and even accents (My Green Eggs and Ham is legendary - Sam I Am sounds like Shelby Foote). So after I finished the book about the penguin who goes to the moon on a cola fizz-fired rocket, one child asked if I could do "scary voices."

Me:  I'm not very good at scary voices - I don't have a deep voice like a man.  Men do better at scary voices.

Startled cry from some demonspawn in the back row:  Wait, you're not a man?

(I thought the teacher was going to sink into the floor).


  1. ok, glass of water up, through, and out the nose
    kids say the darndest things, don't they

  2. Gads. My 73 year old hubby has long, white hair and is constantly being addressed as "Ma'am" by store clerks. Our response is usually along the lines of he would be the ugliest woman you've ever seen.

  3. I used to get mistaken for my brother on the phone, my voice was deeper at the time and he hated it!
