Friday, March 1, 2024

Quote Of The Day


Under the constitutional laws of the United States, there has never been an argument that a former president is immune from prosecution for crimes that he committed while in office. ~ Judge Michael Luttig


  1. We have never had such a Turd try to do the things he has tried and is still trying to do and not get caught.

  2. It is obvious that no one is above the law and that the President of the United States serves as a representative of all it's people. Not a dictator, not a gangster, a fellow citizen representing all of us for a set time period.

    By delaying reminding a citizen with ambitions to rule this clear fact until it's way too late in the election process, the Supreme Court is derelict in its duties. There is no reason why they cannot rule on that today; they choose not to.

  3. thank goodness we still have patriots like General Milley and clear eyed constitutional experts like Judge Luttig. Our supreme court has forgotten their role, to apply the constitution to law.

  4. perhaps this is why my blood pressure spikes and why i feel like i'm gonna throw up in my mouth when i look at newspaper .... the answer to 'just when you thought things couldn't get lower' is 'no, i no longer think that, i am certain of it getting lower.'
