Sunday, March 24, 2024

This Morning, We Went To Mauthausen



Konzentrationslager Mauthausen. 


  1. At some point you start to go numb.

  2. As difficult as this is, it is a place everyone should visit.

  3. As George Santayana said (famously repeated by Churchill) “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    As hard as it is (and it should be hard), we should all visit history, study it, and learn from it. That way we can say of the horrors "never again" and know a little bit more about how to not go there ever again.

  4. When US troops liberated on of these camps, General Eisenhower told his men to take as many pictures as they could. "Someday, some b---ard is going to claim this never happened.
