Thursday, May 2, 2024



Just in case there is still one person in the English-speaking world who has not heard this story.


  1. I still can not wrap my head around that story and how the hell was she elected?

  2. My favorite, after pushback from all sides, including DJT Jr., Noem is now claiming that poor puppy was an “extremely dangerous” dog that she killed to protect her children. Try pulling my other leg.

  3. Our poor Chunk turned out to be an "extremely dangerous dog" - but after the second incident and being faced with limited options, we took him to the vet and had him sedated and then euthanized.

    AFTER working with him with a trainer after the first incident to try and get his problems solved. It's what reasonable, normal people do.

  4. Sam, a big part of Noem's schtick is "I'm a tough country gal."

  5. Leave the schtick and save the dog and goat.
