Monday, September 2, 2024

Things You Learn In The Dark


At 2am, on your way to the bathroom.  He's figured out how to open the hall closet door.


  1. I now have to sleep with a nightlight because two all black kittens decided I was the new caretaker for them, instead of mom. One snuck in the house through a hole, and the other just pranced in one day and wouldn't leave. Mind you, I'm caring for two Tuxedos and a gray tabby who is basically my cat. The remains of my mother's kitten napping career. I think I need help.

    1. The Cat Distribution System has your number.

  2. Ouch. Most mine ever did was that horrible hacking noise of a hairball.

  3. @Sam- Hairballs I can clean, even kittens learning to use litter boxes I can handle, but little pointy, sharp things that think my feet are toys and getting under them when I'm half awake and want to just go pee and go back to bed? Yeah, not so much. And have you ever seen a cat with snot hanging out of it's nose? Not fun to step in either, lol. Yes, we have a vet visit this week. Got to admit the boogers are fun to watch though!

  4. Current eldery cat has alleries, so cat boogies are well known to me.

  5. @Shay - It really needs to lose it soon. I'm feeding up to 10 ferals outside right now, going to have to do something about them but what I don't know. I'm also going to have to rehome the house cats I guess as there is a dog at my son's house who doesn't deal well with them. I'll be moving back there probably at the end of this month or next.

  6. And the vet cleaned me out yesterday, one cat and two kittens on meds for snot causes. On the plus side, I now know the two kittens are girls so they are Itty and Bitty, lol.
