Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy New Year's And A Short Hiatus


Over the holidays, I am the on call logistics manager for the regional response team, and we have been working a multi-unit fire up north since last Monday.  Although my role is a desk job and consists only of a) tracking vehicle use, b) sorting various documents pertaining to the shelter we are running and c) hounding people to submit their requisitions and receipts so I can get the books to balance, I am for some reason just plain bushed.

Blogging will resume next week.


  1. Ah the endless persuit of all the proper paperwork.....

  2. Life was actually easier before we started doing all this shit online.

  3. Best wishes from myself and a friend whose job was also "just desk" and consisted of wrangling professors, grad students, and 6am deliveries of live research animals for a zoology department.
    'why do you need a key, this is clearly a power play. ok, you can deal with that shipment that cannot be left out on the loading dock over the weekend because it's alive when it comes in at 6am since you have the only key'
    made me glad to be just dealing with teaching GED math.
