Monday, March 10, 2025

A Distinct Lack of Congruence


There has to be a reason today is both International Bagpipe Day and National Napping Day.


  1. Perhap when you put down your bagpipe you can use it as a pillow?

  2. Oof, one of the few types of music that can actually give me a migraine! Hubs loved it, I could tolerate it for a bit, and our kids always went to sleep to it as babies.

    He also had a record, warped by heat and performed by a subpar group. That was our secret weapon. Shutdown obnoxiously noisy people every time, even if I did have to hide in a far corner of the house.

  3. It's said that you can't enjoy bagpipe music in you're not part Scots. We used to have a neighbor on the other side of the valley who would practice out in his yard. The girls and I would sit on the porch and enjoy the music. The Late and Unlamented would go inside and slam the door.
