Sunday, June 1, 2008

She's prettier in person

Adorable, in fact. She is in other respects living up to advance billing, however. In one 24 hour period she has upended the bedroom wastebasket, dragged the bathroom rug out into the hall, tried to eat a mechanical pencil, and chased the Drama Queen up on to the bookshelf.


Funnyface is alternately delighted and annoyed.

Particularly since the little madam has learned she can sneak up on him, give his tail a yank, and then escape under the bed or the sofa.


  1. Oh, I think I'm in love!!
    She's a total doll! Has spousal unit picked a name yet?

  2. Her nom de blog will be Babyface; but he's going with Nurhanne's suggestion of Nisse (a Scandinavian house elf or brownie).

  3. Very cute! I hope babyface will be as sweet as she looks!

  4. I wanna new puppy!!!! She's so cute.

    I've tagged you. Come read my blog to see what it's all about.

  5. Julie--

    You may have her until she is housebroken, how's that?

    (my oldest and most censorious sister was here this weekend and the puppy left a deposit on the guest room carpet!)

  6. She has such a cute face. It is great that Funnyface is tolerating her. I would love to get a chihuahua, but my husbands dog would probably eat it. So no lap dig for me.

  7. Awwwwwwwwwww.

    (puppy raising hint: like kids, if you don't know where they are and it's quiet, someone's in trouble. Baby gates are a great invention!)

    Please kiss the top of her fuzzy little head for me.

  8. we have learned that, T-Mom; we bell them as soon as they arrive.

    you may note I have not blogged in two days. thisis because I have not slept through the night in six.

