Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hints For Housekeepers

To Stop The Hair From Falling Out. Wash the hair in just as hot water as it is possible for the person to endure, then take the scalp and gently pinch all over. This is excellent. L.M.P.

A Little Ironing Suggestion. When the top of the stove is full and it is time to get dinner with still some ironing to be accomplished, the irons can be heated very nicely in the oven. E.M.S.

New Ironware. New ironware cannot be used for cooking unless it is first boiled. I have found that the addition of potato parings and a little lye to the water is the best means of getting the new vessels ready to use. I recently purchased a set of waffle irons and tried several ways to get them in condition to use and at last tried putting them in a clothes boiler with potato parings, lye and cold water and allowed them to come to a boil and remain boiling two hours. The irons were ready to use and have given no trouble. Mrs. L.A.

Modern Priscilla, 1915.


  1. Okay. I don't know about the first hint at all, since I have hair that is not falling out. lol Second hint will work - I even have the old iron. Third one - wonder what kind of ironware. I have boiled my cast iron (but certainly not with lye!) and then re-seasoned it.

  2. When she refers to ironware I'm guessing she means cast-iron.

    I have heard that linseed oil (the kind for cooking, not the kind for furniture) works very well for re-seasoning cast iron.

    I'm a big fan of enamel over cast iron, such as le Creuset. Of course it's expensive (and heavier than ***)!

  3. My grandmother used to quote me the first one all the time as a child. As she was born in 1900, it would make sense that this was quoted in media of the time. I always wondered where she heard it.
