Saturday, October 22, 2011

Right Grid-Square, Wrong Century

I have the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant loaded to my Nook. The language is old-fashioned but very readable and he writes with a tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating humor that is quite engaging. I have very few heroes but he is one of them, and I would have liked to have known this man.


  1. A great leader. Um, is it just me or does he remind you a bit of Russell Crowe?

  2. I think it's the beard.

    He was arguably our greatest general and our lousiest President. An object lesson in what happens when war heroes run for office.

  3. 1. Twain edited his memoirs.
    2. It shows.
    3. Were written as he fought the effects of throat cancer.
    4. Died shortly after he finished.
    5. Best memoir to come out of that war.
    6. Found an autographed 1st edition (2 volumes) in a junk store in Arkansas. Don't know if the signature is authentic, but the set cost me $15.00.
    7. Nice site.
    V/R JWest
