Thursday, December 22, 2011

Always A Bridesmaid

Got notified today that I was again nominated for Employee of the Year. And didn't win. I'm detecting a trend, here.


  1. at least you got nominated, just thing of those who don't even get that, poor things

  2. Does that make you the Susan Lucci of your department? :)

    (said in love, not spite.)

  3. Ditto Ladytats. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. If you set out purposely to design a program to stir up ill-feelings, bring repressed resentments out into the open and make all your employees except one feel bad about themselves, I think it would be called let's have an employee of the year award. I don't get why HR types all seem to think it's such a great idea for morale. Knowing you and your sense of humor you're one of the few who can take it all in stride.

  5. Right there with you, my friend! I heard via a good source that our bonus was to be a visa gift card. I got excited as I am working toward the purchase of a new camera--much needed. The gift card...turned out to be to our local grocery store? Yep-I got groceries for Christmas...?! Sigh. Grateful---but still-grocieries? For a bonus? Sigh...

  6. Sharon -- our gift this year was a travel mug with the county logo on it.

    Trade ya.

  7. Sorry Shay-I already passed it on to hubby as he does the shopping-was *hoping* he'd sense my disappoinment (spoken only like a true red-head can!) and maybe hand me the cash equivlent...didn't happen. All I can say is there'd better be a key to real live running mini cooper in my stocking! Lol! Blessings, Sharon

  8. See, some people just peak and then are gone. You are a consistent, steady, slow burner, always in someone's thoughts and on someone's list. (Um, that's meant to be encouraging).

    Compliments of the Season. All the Best for 2012.

  9. Well, although I'm grousing (jokingly), I'd rather see the award go to one of the front-line staff, which it did.

    I'm not the one who has to deal with the public, many of whom have quite unrealistic views of what the Health Department can do for them. And some of whom are violent.
