Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Embroidery - A "Colonial" Design in French Knots

This is from the Women's Home Companion, March 1922.  It was part of a larger all-over design for a bedspread to be carried out entirely in French knots.  


  1. Yeesh! Talk about a glutton for punishment! It would take years to finish that hummer.

  2. And if I, personally, ever did manage to finish it, I would shoot anyone who ever dared sit down on it.

  3. To me, this looks tedious but easy for a 1922 pattern. I have some old books with crochet patterns that use size 30 thread for filet with classical motifs that look just killer (I can see size 30 thread.)
    File under "what people did before there was tv."

  4. Oops (sorry, taking pain meds, and I'm always a bit loopy these days.)
    That should read "can't see". I have to use reading glasses and magnifying glass for fine thread these days.

  5. French knots have always frustrated me...on the other hand, this could be used as a candlewicking pattern.

    That is, if anyone still does candlewicking.

  6. Or as beadwork on a cushion or purse.
