Monday, October 6, 2014

Her Majesty

Last Wednesday night, she decided that she had to go out and she has not returned.  At this time we do not expect to ever see her again.  There are two fox dens in our end of town, and lots of hungry owls.


  1. I do so hope your little beauty comes home safe and sound. My 17-year-old polydactyl boy is the sweetest cat I've ever known. They're special.

  2. I hope Her Supreme Majesty is tucked up somewhere safe...thinking good thoughts.

  3. Oh, I am so, SO sorry to hear this. You are all in my thoughts today.

  4. Oh, Shay, how horrible! I am so sorry to hear about this. Like all the others, I am hoping she is tucked up someplace, safe and sound. Do keep us all posted.


  5. Hoping she's just off doing catty things....thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. I wish you all were right, but it's been six days. I think she's gone.

  7. I'm so very sorry. Six days is a long time to wait and worry. Wish I could give you a hug and a little comfort. The worst is not knowing.

  8. Sorry to hear how long Her Supreme Majesty has been AWOL. Like Bunnykins, the not knowing is the worst of all.

  9. :( There are lots of perils for wandering cats and dogs.

    Peace to her, and to you.

  10. Oh, No! It's awful to lose a family member. We have coyotes. While I love to hear them sing I worry when Oliver is out at night.
