Thursday, October 16, 2014

Social Media Is Vastly Over-rated

Some jack-fool idiot posted a rumor today that there was an active Ebola case in our jurisdiction.  I can't believe I made it through the entire morning without ripping someone's head off.


  1. Herd mentality strikes again! I am in New Haven, CT. Don't you think my co-workers freaked yesterday and demanded tons of Purell? When asked - have you gone to Africa? They looked puzzled. Oh for a piano to fall on them!

  2. I pity the health care workers in emergency rooms and walk-in clinics when flu season hits. Best way to miss a real case of ebola is in a herd of flu-ridden panicky fools.

  3. This is for you from the Daily Beast: Ebola nurses are as brave as soldiers.

  4. The trouble is that all the clowns aren't in the circus.

  5. You are almost 1,000 times more likely, in this country, to die of the flu than you are of Ebola. Can we get people to come in for flu shots? Nooooooo.
