Monday, November 3, 2014

Can I Pick 'Em, Or What?

Sean*, the new Americorps guy (Fernanda having gone on to bigger and better things), came to us by way of four years at U-M and two tours in Afghanistan.  We are driving the rest of the staff crazy with our milspeak and I let some slip during a conference call Friday that included some members of the local National Guard unit.  Nothing profane, merely obscure.

This morning I got a teasing email from their training chief that included a popular emoticon.  I sent it to Sean* (note:  he got out as a buck sergeant).

Me:  Sgt 1st Class Williams* has called me out on my terminology.

He:   I really have a hard time comprehending the fact that a staff NCO is using smiley faces.


  1. glad you have someone who speaks your language, it is rather nice to be able to let yourself speak normally. and not have to watch what you say.
    and emoticons can be annoying anyway

  2. Nice to have a laugh with someone who understands your lingo. Sean* sounds like a keeper. Emoticon away.
