Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I Should Have Planned This Just A Tad Better

I had a 6pm meeting tonight with a potential grant partner that got me home at 8pm.  I am the lead planner for a conference that starts at 8am tomorrow.  I have a $15k award proposal due by close of business Friday and I'm the closing speaker at said conference.  Friday night I am on the departmental trivia team for a Y fundraiser (conference ends at 5pm, fundraiser starts at 6).  Sunday I'm staffing the first aid booth at a fun run for four hours.

As a kindness to my co-workers, I decided that I needed to take a half day off on Monday so of course someone scheduled a meeting for that day at 9am and another one at 2pm.  No wuckin' furries, says I, I'll take a half day off next Friday and get a jump start on the weekend.

Just checked my calendar.  Yup -- meetings on Friday at 8:30, 10:30 and 2:30.  It's a good thing there's nothing scheduled, either personal or professional, this Saturday, because I will be suffering from anal glaucoma.

(anal glaucoma = I don't see my ass getting out of bed).


  1. I like your plan. Perhaps a "cough, cough" on Friday would help speed things along?

  2. "Anal Glaucoma", huh? I LOVE that expression. Now I need to find a reason to use it.

  3. Look out for Reserve Cat. Nothing quite like stepping barefoot on a sleeping cat for a morning wake-up call.

    This is for the spousal unit. This man says he's born in Vancouver and served in the Marine Corps as his mother is American, but he sounds like a Canadian from down East (aka the Maritimes) to me.
